TECHNOLOGIES of the Leading Solar Water Heater Installation
Providers in Nagercoil,
Tamil Nadu. We Installing all Brands of Solar Water Heater. Our focus is on commercial and
Home Solar Water Heater installation services.
Solar Water Heater?
Solar water heating system
A solar water heating system is a device that uses the sun's energy to
heat water. This energy is completely free. Solar energy (sunrays) is
used to heat water. Water is easily heated to 60-80o C. A range of Solar
Water Heaters (SWHs) with a capacity of 100-300 liters are suitable for
solar water heater domestic use. Large systems can be used in
restaurants, canteens, guest houses, hotels, hospitals etc. A 100 liter
capacity SWH can replace an electric geyser for domestic use and save
around 1500 units of electricity per year. The use of 1000 SWHs of 100
liter capacity each will contribute to approximately 1 MW of peak load
savings. A SWH with a capacity of 100 liters can prevent 1.5 tonnes of
carbon dioxide emissions per year.
Working of Solar Water Heater
The sun's rays fall on the collector array (a component of a solar water
heating system). A black absorbent surface (absorber) inside the
collectors absorbs solar radiation and transfers heat energy to the
water flowing through it. Hot water is collected in an insulated tank to
prevent heat loss. Water circulation from the tank through the
collectors and back to the tank continues automatically due to the
thermo siphon system. Based on the collector system, solar water heaters
can be of two types: A solar water heater consists of a collector that
collects solar energy and an insulated storage tank to store hot water.
The stored hot water can be used at any time later.
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